My Vim Framework

gg execute 'kitty @ launch lazygit -p' getcwd() #+end_src So, it launches lazygit in current working directory in a kitty pane. After figuring it out, I immediately removed lazygit plugin from my Neovim, as using one line of code instead of whole plugin (however cool it was), is the way I wanted to go. Add also fzf to the mix, which can be used outside Vim of course, as a bonus you can use Fzf inside of nnn. And then came the idea of fully functional Vim and / or Neovim setup, that keeps it simple, uses simple solutions and does the things the UNIX way (one tool for one task). So, Vim does the editing and all that comes with it. Fzf does fuzzy finding. Nnn does file browsing, picking and generally working with files and directories. And of course lazygit does the git repos lazily - I always forget about, because it literally has no plugin to work perfectly integrated in this setup. Only catch is that you need kitty or tmux. Otherwise you might opt for lazygit.nvim plugin for Neovim. Vim sadly has no integration like this. Telescope might be cool and all, but it's still just a Neovim plugin, not usable outside of Neovim, unless you want to live in Neovim as it was Emacs. [[/assets/sigmavimrc.png]] So, you might want to check out [[][SigmaVimRc on GitHub]], and maybe also [[][my video]] about it, the first one in series. I'm no Vim guru, but want to share some stuff that beginner or maybe more experienced vimmers can find useful. This is also my first entry for [[]]. Happy New Year, and happy vimmin'! PS: It wasn't that much TLDR was it?